I have spent almost a year working in an MNC or typically what they address it as "Corporate sector" in a more user-friendly term.
Ironically, till this date I have failed to understand all the mind-games people play here. Those games which are clever, uncanny and totally tactful.
It's utterly harsh how the enormously overated "corporate world" compels me to be someone that I'm not.
Ironically, till this date I have failed to understand all the mind-games people play here. Those games which are clever, uncanny and totally tactful.
It's utterly harsh how the enormously overated "corporate world" compels me to be someone that I'm not.
Why is it that I'm expected to be a "certain this and a certain that" when all I can be is what I choose to be rather than trying to be what I'm expected of by others.
Ok. If this sounds confusing, then let me make it more understandable for you.
Living in the corporate circles means talking all that is "supposedly meant" to be. Fake. Fake. Fake.
Looking at the person that I am, my general behaviour sometimes beccomes just too obvious for people. Often, I do the talk that is not "supposed" to be talked and walk the walk that's not supposed to be "walked".
Naturally, this 'typical-ME' not only makes a totally tactless soul of me but also makes my senses lack the know-hows of the tricky "corporate game play."
Naturally, this 'typical-ME' not only makes a totally tactless soul of me but also makes my senses lack the know-hows of the tricky "corporate game play."
Everyone here talks about "networking" with eachother.
It is been proven that if you're an excellent networking bee, then half your job in climbing the corporate ladder becomes easier. Apparently, it is the networking that gets you where you want to be.Yes, a (corporate) mantra for a quicker promotion.
If you lack the social skills of "doing the talk" among the corporate circles, then you're termed as someone who's either less interesting or blamed of taming low morale at work. Face value works here!!
So what does it really take to be a gung-ho at playing corporate games?
Does it mean you gotta be well-read? or has it got to do with being diplomatic? Or is it that you just have to be something that you're not underneath?
Certainly, it takes you to wear masks of several types.
You probably also need to draw a bit of an inspiration from the habitual chameleon to master the art of changing colours or camouflage oneself in different every now and then.
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever make it to the top of ladders inspite of all the hardwork, sincereity, and efforts I have been putting into 9 hrs. of my work life.
Well, not quite.
Well, not quite.
Sources claim where there is networking , numbers hardly ever matter. The only thing that matters is the games of the mind...PERIOD.